Zawartość opakowania

- 2 szyny profilowe
- 2 łączniki z tworzywa sztucznego
- 1 taśma mocująca
- 2,1 m pasek piankowy, samoprzylepny
- 4 wkręty samogwintujące
- Instrukcja montażu

Dane techniczne

Kolor Biały
Odcień koloru Biały
Materiał Metal
Głębokość 55 cm
Szerokość urządzenia 55
Szerokość urządzenia do 66
Typ Pralka

Wskazówki dla użytkownika

Ze względów bezpieczeństwa, rama pośrednia musi być przykręcona razem z pokrywą pralki. Pasek mocujący musi być również zapięty, aby zapobiec spadaniu suszarki.
Pralka zawsze musi być urządzeniem dolnym.


Instrukcje obsługi


Xavax Intermediate Frame (open front) for Washing Machine and Dryer, 55 - 66 cm

Java method "" couldn't be called: Can't convert the 1st argument's value to the target Java type, String. The type of the actual value was: number (wrapper: f.t.SimpleNumber)

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
- Failed at: #assign trackingEndpoint = webresourc... [in template "_tpl_450_.ftl" at line 7, column 17]
- Reached through: #include "/${webresourceType.template... [in template "sys/item-detail.ftl" at line 136, column 49]
- Reached through: #include "${metaViewModel.ftlInclude}" [in template "master.ftl" at line 10, column 33]
~ Reached through: #nested [in template "sys/macros/html.ftl" in macro "body" at line 31, column 25]
~ Reached through: #nested [in template "sys/macros/menu.ftl" in macro "menuDesktop" at line 107, column 17]
~ Reached through: @menuDesktop [in template "sys/macros/html.ftl" in macro "body" at line 30, column 17]
- Reached through: @body mobile=( ||... [in template "master.ftl" at line 5, column 17]
~ Reached through: #nested [in template "sys/macros/html.ftl" in macro "html" at line 16, column 9]
~ Reached through: @html [in template "master.ftl" at line 3, column 9]
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> trackingEndpoint [in template "_tpl_450_.ftl" at line 10, column 57]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
- Failed at: ${trackingEndpoint} auto-escaped [in template "_tpl_450_.ftl" at line 10, column 55]
- Reached through: #include "/${webresourceType.template... [in template "sys/item-detail.ftl" at line 136, column 49]
- Reached through: #include "${metaViewModel.ftlInclude}" [in template "master.ftl" at line 10, column 33]
~ Reached through: #nested [in template "sys/macros/html.ftl" in macro "body" at line 31, column 25]
~ Reached through: #nested [in template "sys/macros/menu.ftl" in macro "menuDesktop" at line 107, column 17]
~ Reached through: @menuDesktop [in template "sys/macros/html.ftl" in macro "body" at line 30, column 17]
- Reached through: @body mobile=( ||... [in template "master.ftl" at line 5, column 17]
~ Reached through: #nested [in template "sys/macros/html.ftl" in macro "html" at line 16, column 9]
~ Reached through: @html [in template "master.ftl" at line 3, column 9]